Sunday, August 19, 2007

Part 17 Apstambha-Sutras

Rules regarding food continued

1. A Sûdra touches him, (then he shall leave off eating).
2. Nor shall he eat sitting in the same row with unworthy people.
3. Nor shall he eat (sitting in the same row with persons) amongst whom one, whilst they eat, rises and gives his leavings to his pupils or sips water;
4. Nor (shall he eat) where they give him food, reviling him.
5. Nor (shall he eat) what has been smelt at by men or other (beings, as cats).
6. He shall not eat in a ship,
7. Nor on a wooden platform.
8. He may eat sitting on ground which has been purified (by the application of cowdung and the like).
9. (If he eats) out of an earthen vessel, he shall eat out of one that has not been used (for cooking).
10. (If he can get) a used vessel (only, he shall eat from it), after having heated it thoroughly.
11. A vessel made of metal becomes pure by being scoured with ashes and the like.
12. A wooden vessel becomes pure by being scraped.
13. At a sacrifice (the vessels must be cleaned) according to the precepts of the Veda.
14. He shall not eat food which has been bought or obtained ready-prepared in the market.
15. Nor (shall he eat) flavoured food (bought in the market) excepting raw meat, honey, and salt.
16. Oil and clarified butter (bought in the market) he may use, after having sprinkled them with water.
17. Prepared food which has stood for a night, must neither be eaten nor drunk.
18. Nor (should prepared food) that has turned sour (be used in any way).
19. (The preceding two rules do) not (hold good in regard to) the juice of sugar-cane, roasted rice-grains, porridge prepared with whey, roasted yava, gruel, vegetables, meat, flour, milk and preparations from it, roots and fruits of herbs and trees.
20. (Substances which have turned) sour without being mixed with anything else (are to be avoided).
21. All intoxicating drinks are forbidden.
22. Likewise sheep's milk,
23. Likewise the milk of camels, of does, of animals that give milk while big with young, of those that bear twins, and of (one-hoofed animals),
24. Likewise the milk of a cow (buffalo-cow or she-goat) during the (first) ten days (after their giving birth to young ones),
25. Likewise (food mixed) with herbs which serve for preparing intoxicating liquors,
26. (Likewise) red garlic, onions, and leeks,
27. Likewise anything else which (those who are learned in the law) forbid.
28. Mushrooms ought not to be eaten; that has been declared in a Brâhmana;
29. (Nor the meat) of one-hoofed animals, of camels, of the Gayal, of village pigs, of Sarabhas, and of cattle.
30. (But the meat) of milch-cows and oxen may be eaten.
31. The Vâgasaneyaka declares 'bull's flesh is fit for offerings.'
32. Amongst birds that scratch with their feet for, food, the (tame) cock (must not be eaten).
33. Amongst birds that feed thrusting forward their beak, the (heron, called) Plava (or Sakatabila, must not be eaten).
34. Carnivorous (birds are forbidden),
35. Likewise the swan, the Bhâsa, the Brâhmanî duck, and the falcon.
36. Common cranes and Sâras-cranes (are not to
be eaten) with the exception of the leather-nosed Lakshmana.
37. Five-toed animals (ought not to be eaten) with the exception of the iguana, the tortoise, the porcupine, the hedgehog, the rhinoceros, the hare, and the Pûtikhasha.
38. Amongst fishes, the Keta ought not to be eaten,
39. Nor the snake-headed fish, nor the alligator, nor those which live on flesh only, nor those which are misshaped (like) mermen.

Thought by Nrao

Surprising: (But the meat) of milch-cows and oxen may be eaten.

17. Prepared food which has stood for a night, must neither be eaten nor drunk.
18. Nor (should prepared food) that has turned sour (be used in any way).
19. (The preceding two rules do) not (hold good in regard to) the juice of sugar-cane, roasted rice-grains, porridge prepared with whey, roasted yava, gruel, vegetables, meat, flour, milk and preparations from it, roots and fruits of herbs and trees.

for Part 18

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