Sunday, September 2, 2007

Apastamba-sutra Part 48

Sraddha (Funeral oblation)

1. Formerly men and gods lived together in this world. Then the gods in reward of their sacrifices went to heaven, but men were left behind. Those men who perform sacrifices in the same manner as the gods did, dwell (after death) with the gods and Brahman in heaven. Now (seeing men left behind), Manu revealed this ceremony, which is designated by the word Srâddha (a funeral-oblation).
2. And (thus this rite has been revealed) for the salvation of mankind.
3. At that (rite) the Manes (of one's father, grandfather, and great-grand father) are the deities (to whom the sacrifice is offered). But the Brâhmanas, (who are fed,) represent the Âhavanîya-fire.
4. That rite must be performed in each month.
5. The afternoon of (a day of) the latter half is preferable (for it). 5
6. The last days of the latter half (of the month) likewise are (preferable to the first days).
7. (A funeral-oblation) offered on any day of the latter half of the month gladdens the Manes. But it procures different rewards for the sacrificer according to the time observed.
8. If it be performed on the first day of the half-month, the issue (of the sacrificer) will chiefly consist of females.
9. (Performed on the second day it procures) children who are free from thievish propensities.
10. (If it is performed) on the third day children will be born to him who will fulfil the various vows for studying (portions of the Veda).
11. (The sacrificer who performs it) on the fourth day becomes rich in small domestic animals.
12. (If he performs it) on the fifth day, sons (will be born to him). He will have numerous and distinguished offspring, and he will not die childless.
13. (If he performs it) on the sixth day, he will become a great traveller and gambler.
14. (The reward of a funeral-oblation performed) on the seventh day is success in agriculture.
15. (If he performs it) on the eighth day (its reward is) prosperity
16. (If he performs it) on the ninth day (its reward consists in) one-hoofed animals.
17. (If he performs it) on the tenth day (its reward is) success in trade.
18. (If he performs it) on the eleventh day (its reward is) black iron, tin, and lead.
19. (If he performs a funeral-oblation) on the twelfth day, he will become rich in cattle.
20. (If he performs it) on the thirteenth day, he will have many sons (and) many friends, (and) his offspring will be beautiful. But his (sons) will die young.
21. (If he performs it) on the fourteenth day (its reward is) success in battle.
22. (If he performs it) on the fifteenth day (its reward is) prosperity.
23. The substances (to be offered) at these (sacrifices) are sesamum, mâsha, rice, yava, water, roots, and fruits.
24. But, if food mixed with fat (is offered), the satisfaction of the Manes is greater, and (lasts) a longer time,
25. Likewise, if money, lawfully acquired, is given to worthy (persons).
26. Beef satisfies (the Manes) for a year,
27. Buffalo's (meat) for a longer (time) than that.
28. By this (permission of the use of buffalo's meat) it has been declared that the meat of (other) tame and wild animals is fit to be offered.

Next Part 49

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