Monday, September 3, 2007

Apastamba-sutra Part 57

Duties of a king

1. The general and special duties of all castes have been explained. But we will now declare those of a king in particular.
2. He shall cause to be built a town and a palace, the gates of both of which (must look) towards the south.
3. The palace (shall stand) in the heart of the town.
4. In front of that (there shall be) a hall. That is called the hall of invitation.
5. (At a little distance) from the town to the south, (he shall cause to be built) an assembly-house with doors on the south and on the north sides, so that one can see what passes inside and outside.
6. In all (these three places) fires shall burn constantly.
7. And oblations must be offered in these fires daily, just as at the daily sacrifice of a householder.
8. In the hall he shall put up his guests, at least those who are learned in the Vedas.
9. Rooms, a couch, food and drink should be given to them according to their good qualities.
10. Let him not live better than his Gurus or ministers.
11. And in his realm no (Brâhmana) should suffer hunger, sickness, cold, or heat, be it through want, or intentionally.
12. In the midst of the assembly-house, (the superintendent of the house) shall raise a play-table and sprinkle it with water, turning his hand downwards, and place on it dice in even numbers, made of Vibhîtaka (wood), as many as are wanted.
13. Men of the first three castes, who are pure and truthful, may be allowed to play there.
14. Assaults of arms, dancing, singing, music, and the like (performances) shall be held only (in the houses) of the king's servants.
15. That king only takes care of the welfare of his subjects in whose dominions, be it in villages or forests, there is no danger from thieves.

Next part

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