Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Apastambha Sutra - Part 10 - Prasna I - Khanda - 10

Rules regarding study of veda

1. (Nor shall he study) on the days of the full moons of those months in which the Châturmasya-sacrifice may be performed (nor on the days preceding them).
2. At the time of the Vedotsarga, on the death of Gurus, at the Ashlakâ-Srâddha, and at the time of the Upâkarma, (he shall not study) for three days;
3. Likewise if near relations have died.
4. (He shall not study) for twelve days, if his mother, father, or teacher have died.
5. If these (have died), he must (also) bathe for the same number of days.
6. Persons who are younger (than the relation deceased), must shave (their hair and beard),
7. Some declare, that students who have returned home on completion of their studentship, shall never shave, except if engaged in the initiation to a Srauta-sacrifice.
8. Now a Brâhmana also declares, 'Verily, an empty, uncovered (pot) is he, whose hair is shaved off entirely; the top-lock is his covering.'
9. But at sacrificial sessions the top-lock must be shaved off, because it is so enjoined in the Veda.
10. Some declare, that, upon the death of the teacher, (the reading should be interrupted) for three days and three nights.
11. If (he hears of) the death of a learned Brâhmana (Srotriya) before a full year (since the death) has elapsed, (he shall interrupt his reading) for one night (and day).
12. Some declare, (that the deceased Srotriya must have been) a fellow-student.
13-14. If a learned Brâhmana (Srotriya) has arrived and he is desirous of studying or is actually studying, (or if he is desirous of teaching or is teaching,) he may study or teach after having received permission (to do so from the Srotriya).
15-16. He may likewise study or teach in the presence of his teacher, if (the latter) has addressed him (saying), 'Ho, study! (or, Ho, teach!)'
17. When a student desires to study or has finished his lesson, he shall at both occasions embrace the feet of his teacher.
18. Or if, whilst they study, another person comes in, he shall continue his recitation, after those words, ('Ho, study!') have been pronounced (by the newcomer).
19. The barking of (many) dogs, the braying of (many) asses, the cry of a wolf or of a solitary jackal or of an owl, all sounds of musical instruments, of weeping, and of the Sâman melodies (are reasons for discontinuing the study of the Veda).
20. If another branch of the Veda (is being recited in the neighbourhood), the Sâman melodies shall not be studied.
21. And whilst other noises (are being heard, the recitation of the Veda shall be discontinued), if they mix (with the voice of the person studying).
22. After having vomited (he shall not study) until he has slept.
23. Or (he may study) having eaten clarified butter (after the attack of vomiting).
24. A foul smell (is a reason for the discontinuance of study).
25. Food turned sour (by fermentation), which he has in his stomach, (is a reason for the discontinuance of the recitation, until the sour rising ceases).
26. (Nor shall he study) after having eaten in the evening,
27. Nor as long as his hands are wet.
28. (And he shall discontinue studying) for, a day and an evening, after having eaten food prepared in honour of a dead person (for whom the Sapindî-karana has not yet been performed),
29. Or until the food (eaten on that occasion) is digested.
30. But he shall (always) eat in addition (to the meal given in honour of a dead person), food which has not been given at a sacrifice to the Manes.

For Part 11

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