1. (That is to say) the Agnihotra, hospitality,
2. And what else of this kind (is ordained).
3. He whom (a student) asks for instruction, shall certainly not refuse it;
4. Provided he does not see in him a fault, (which disqualifies him from being taught).
5. If by chance (through the pupil's stupidity the teaching) is not completed, obedience towards the (teacher is the pupil's only refuge).
6. Towards a mother (grandmother and great-grandmother) and a father (grandfather and great-grandfather) the same obedience must be shown as towards a teacher.
Embracing the feet of Guru and family members
7. The feet of all Gurus must be embraced (every day) by a student who has returned home;
8. And also on meeting them, after returning from a journey.
9. The feet of (elder) brothers and sisters must be embraced, according to the order of their seniority.
10. And respect (must) always (be shown to one's elders and betters), according to the injunction (given above and according to the order of their seniority).
11. He shall salute an officiating priest, a father-in-law, a father's brother, and a mother's. brother, (though they may be) younger than he himself, and (when saluting) rise to meet them.
12. Or he may silently embrace their feet.
13. A friendship kept for ten years with fellow citizens (is a reason for giving a salutation, and so is) a friendship, contracted at school, which has lasted for five years. But a learned Brâhmana (known) for less than three years, must be saluted.
14. If the age (of several persons whom one meets) is exactly known, one must salute the eldest (first).
15. He need not salute a person, who is not a Guru, and who stands in a lower or higher place than he himself.
16. Or he may descend or ascend (to the place where such a person stands) and salute him.
17. But every one (Gurus and others) he shall salute, after having risen (from his seat).
18. If he is impure, he shall not salute (anybody);
19. (Nor shall he salute) a person who is impure.
20. Nor shall he, being impure, return a salutation.
21. Married women (must be saluted) according to the (respective) ages of their husbands.
22. He shall not salute with his shoes on, or his head wrapped up, or his hands full.
23. In saluting women, a Kshatriya or a Vaisya he shall use a pronoun, not his name.
24. Some (declare, that he shall salute in this manner even) his mother and the wife of his teacher.
25. Know that a Brâhmana of ten years and a Kshatriya of a hundred years stand to each other in the relation of father and son. But between those two the Brâhmana is the father.
Enquiry on meeting
26. A younger person or one of equal age he shall ask, about his well-being (employing the word kusala).
27. (He shall ask under the same conditions) a Kshatriya, about his health (employing the word anâmaya);
28. A Vaisya if he has lost anything (employing the word anashta).
29. A Sûdra, about his health (employing the word ârogya).
30. He shall not pass a learned Brâhmana without addressing him;
31. Nor an (unprotected) woman in a forest (or any other lonely place).
Thought by NRao
Married women (must be saluted) according to the (respective) ages of their husbands.
A younger person or one of equal age he shall ask, about his well-being (employing the word kusala).
27. (He shall ask under the same conditions) a Kshatriya, about his health (employing the word anâmaya);
28. A Vaisya if he has lost anything (employing the word anashta).
29. A Sûdra, about his health (employing the word ârogya).
30. He shall not pass a learned Brâhmana without addressing him;
31. Nor an (unprotected) woman in a forest (or any other lonely place).
For Part 15
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