Sunday, August 19, 2007

KHANDA 16. Apstambha-Sutras

Procedure for achaman (sipping of water)

1. He shall not drink water standing or bent forwards.
2. Sitting he shall sip water (for purification) thrice, the water penetrating to his heart.
3. He shall wipe his lips three times.
4. Some (declare, that he shall do so) twice.
5. He shall then touch (his lips) once (with the three middle fingers).
6. Some (declare, that he shall do so) twice.
7. Having sprinkled water on his left hand with his right, he shall touch both his feet, and his head and (the following three) organs, the eyes, the nose, and the ears.
8. Then he shall wash (his hands).
9. But if he is going to eat he shall, though pure, twice sip water, twice wipe (his mouth), and once touch (his lips).
10. He shall rub the gums and the inner part of his lips (with his finger or with a piece of wood) and then sip water.
11. He does not become impure by the hair (of his moustaches) getting into his mouth, as long as he does not touch them with his hand.
12. If (in talking), drops (of saliva) are perceived to fall from his mouth, then he shall sip water.
13. Some declare, that if (the saliva falls) on the ground, he need not sip water.
14. On touching during sleep or in sternutation the effluvia of the nose or of the eyes, on touching blood, hair, fire, kine, a Brâhmana, or a woman, and after having walked on the high road, and after having touched an (thing or man), and after having put on his lower garment, he shall either bathe or sip or merely touch water (until he considers himself clean).
15. (Or he may touch) moist cowdung, wet herbs, or moist earth.

Some rules regarding food

16. He shall not eat meat which has been cut with a sword (or knife) used for killing.
17. He shall not bite off with his teeth (pieces from) cakes (roots or fruits).
18. He shall not eat in the house of a (relation within six degrees) where a person has died, before the ten days (of impurity) have elapsed.
19. (Nor shall he eat in a house) where a lying-in woman has not (yet) come out (of the lying-in chamber),
20. (Nor in a house) where a corpse lies.
21. Food touched by a (Brâhmana or other high-caste person) who is impure, becomes impure, but not unfit for eating.
22. But what has been brought (be it touched or not) by an impure Sûdra, must not be eaten,
23. Nor that food in which there is a hair,
24. Or any other unclean substance.
25. (Nor must that food be eaten) which has been touched with an unclean substance (such as garlic),
26. Nor (that in which) an insect living on impure substances (is found),
27. Nor (that in which) excrements or limbs of a mouse (are found),
28. Nor that which has been touched by the foot (even of a pure person),
29. Nor what has been (touched) with the hem of a garment,
30. Nor that which has been looked at by a dog or an Apapâtra,
31. Nor what has been brought in the hem of a garment, (even though the garment may be clean),
32. Nor what has been brought at night by a female slave.
33. If during his meal,

For Part 17

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